Scripture Reading - Acts 2:17-18

17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: KJV

Many conversations about “the last days” are taking place right now. Certainly in the Christian community the subject of “the last days” being upon us is a hot topic but it is also popular among non-Christians all over the earth. This is partly because the Jews and other religions believe in God and they also believe in prophecy. However, many who preach and teach on “the last days” speak primarily of the multiple trials and troubles (tribulations) coming to the earth. I thought it was interesting to note that the Holy Bible still preaches the good news (gospel) when speaking of “the last days”. The Lord Jesus spoke openly of the Father God and His Spirit while we speak of the Lordship of Jesus with the Holy Spirit. This outpouring of God’s Spirit is what enables us to prophesy which is speaking the authentic Word of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. These two scriptures indicate that during “the last days” God’s Holy Spirit will be poured out upon His beloved children for visions, dreams and prophecy. Although this was quoted from Joel 2:28 in the Old Testament it was meant for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus opened the door for “who-so-ever” to give service unto Him, and particularly in ministry. Hence, the emergence of women preachers for the end time harvest is necessary to fulfill the plan of God. We see strong men and women of God working together for the common advancement and maturity of the Body of Christ. The Lord has raised up both together so that no one feels left out. The young and elder are both children in Christ, blacks and whites with every color in-between are transparent in Christ’s Light and yes, both male and female are all one in Christ Jesus our Savoir and Lord. So each one of us can experience dreams, visions and prophesy whenever it is necessary for our ministry upon the earth. The Lord has anointed all of His Beloved children for such a time as this. Simply put our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ is not a respecter of persons, nor is the God Head a respecter of gender. He loves us equally and is ready and willing to use “who-so-ever” will yield to His Holy Spirit with the vocabulary of His Word in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Therefore dear children of God, go forth in the power of God’s Spirit because He was poured out upon you specifically for “the last days”. Amen!